
Be Still My Heart

What is one to do when they can't sleep and it's 3:30 in the AM?  Pin, of course!  Especially right now as I gather ideas for the #dlpchairez wedding.  First up on my to do list, invitations.  I really wanted them done by last week and that clearly did not happen.  A DIY was the route I was hoping to take but they just weren't turning out quite as I'd hoped. There was some watercoloring going on, calligraphing and some doodling but nothing was looking like what I was invisioning in my head.  I know a DIY fail when I see one.
Well, anyways no DIY needed because I found these beauties on Etsy via Pinterest.  I am in LOVE.  This very morning I contacted JPstationery and they were super quick to respond.  Pamela has been oh-so-sweet and wonderfully helpful.  ind In 2 weeks we will have our wedding invitations.  Yay! I can't wait!!  Aren't they perfect?!   Invites - check!  Now I need to find some pretty stamps to go along with our lovely invites.  Any suggestions??  #82daystogo

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