
Aeronaves de Mexico: Vintage Travel Posters

I love the nostalgia of vintage airline posters (think 60s-70s Pan Am and TWA), and the aesthetic of 60s-70s design in particular. Airline advertising just isn't as cool as it was back in the day, and as it turns out, Mexico's largest international airline has its own portfolio of ads in the style of the era. 

Before Aeromexico conjured up the image of its Aztec eagle head logo, the airline was Aeronaves de Mexico–established in the early 1930s and partially owned by Pan Am. Its late 60s advertisements for Mexican travel destinations like Baja California and Guadalajara used the psychedelic colors and typography that characterized graphic art of the decade. Each ad is a chic 60s woman with surreal swirls of hair that represent the destination, and they are all classic 60s cool:
Images: 1, 23, 4, 5, 6

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