
Day of the Dead DIY #12: DOD Napkin Rings/Place Cards

With Day of the Dead a little over a month away, there are sure to be many Day of the Dead themed parties and celebrations. That means there's lot of party decorating to be done, and we've made festive napkin rings/place cards to compliment any Day of the Dead tabletop decor!
What you'll need:

-napkins (available in store)
-toilet paper rolls
-metallic gold or silver paint
-paper bags

What to do:

1. Cut approx. 1" rings from your toilet paper roll.
2. Paint the rings with your metallic gold or silver paint.
3. Draw your "ribbon" shapes onto paper bags and paint them (as shown).
4. Cut them out of the paper bag.
5. Glue them onto your painted rings.
6. Stick em' on to your Day of the Dead Napkins and set the table!

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